Monday, November 26, 2018

Books for Christmas: Some Different Ideas

There is no end to the books mystery/crime fiction readers could choose to give or receive for Christmas.  The novels in this amazing genre give hours of reading enjoyment, and there's nothing better than hunkering down for a good read.  However, with the holidays being so busy, both before and after Christmas Day, there's another choice for some shorter spurts of reading time.  2018 has given us some excellent choices in non-fiction and shorter reading materials, too.  I've gained a new appreciation for short stories this past year, and I've bought some non-fiction books that go beautifully with my love for mystery/crime.  So, I'm going to share some items worth considering for your Christmas giving, both to others and yourself. 

And, don't forget the anthologies for the different mystery/crime conferences and festivals, such as:

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